ChenDanQing: Oh, serious painting houses in April followed by teachers and students to Shanxi portraits, in early May, and now almost a year, my paintings how to paint. I did, in fact, still do not know what to say, because the theme of this painting is dog feces all painting comes to painting, I remember the scale painting, nearly three decades starting today, to the 85-year-old paintings of Huangshan meeting . I was in New York, on the one hand, I am glad to, on the one hand, suitable for: pleased when, after the eighties, this picture has actually become a very important issue, Huangshan go to a meeting, it is inappropriate has come to New York, New York does not have this problem, paint, paint. No one cares about you is watercolor, oil painting, sculpture.
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In a common sense,the oil painting reproductions can be divided into three catogeries:figure painting,landscape painting and silent painting.
The cheap oil painting is to take the concrete persons in the life as the reflective objects,so as to artist can reveal the features of characters and the customs of social life for concrete persons.The oil painting reproduction involved in religious themes are taking the persons as description objects.
A misplaced art environment in Western Europe and the United States together make up a very, very national conditions, China's national theme - painting. The painting is so important, I can not. As early as in 2000, including the increasingly surprised subsequent decade, it has become the implementing agency of a group of oil painting in China, almost became the official name synonymous with strength! I first heard about China Oil Painting Society, of course, know that China Guohong, in this country, and I appreciate this type of painting emphasized, in order to distinguish between Chinese painting. Chinese painting, the word is very strange, never the so-called Chinese traditional paintings of Chinese painting Qing, and even called ink painting, 1911 China's transformation into a modern country only Chinese painting, Chinese culture, including, the country's doctors, martial arts, Chinese Mandarin ... the same thing happened in Europe. Called not called prior to European countries, Germany, Italy .......
Today, we know that most European countries do not have the name now, France and Britain to establish the modern Republic, the world began tracking this be another problem. France and Italy, I would not say that the painting "Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival", it's just a painting, France, and other types of paint in front we know, this picture does not appear in the painting temperature is really cool. 14th century, 13th century and throughout the 15th century, the most important type of paint repainted again, now we know that this painting is closely until the tin tube packaging pigment can be squeezed out of something even the late 19th century, 18th century thing. In the painting is a bubble in China, the paint is completely tool-free concept. Chinese painting, how to become so large, covering aesthetics, including technology, covering the type of paint covers the concept of creation, and ultimately become the correct name.
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